Forse le grandi società di capitali sposteranno i loro investimenti.
András Berta è un collettore, una figura chiaramente europea che ha saputo mettere insieme doti di analisi e capacità nelle pubbliche relazioni. Oggi è responsabile marketing dell'EXIT Festival di Novi Sad ma anche Head of Group dell'EMAC (European Marketing and Communication). Nel recente passato è stato responsabile del marketing internazionale per il Sziget Festival e Balaton Sound ma attribuirgli un ruolo specifico risulta molto difficile visto anche il titolo di campione del mondo Powerboat 3,5cc e musicista. La sua intervista è da leggere con molto interesse.
1) After almost a year from the total block of events, how do you see the future of the music industry in your country and/or in Europe?
Only the financially strongest, or best motivated will stay alive. But those who stay alive will hopefully have a good time in the next phase (e.g. less festivals, but still big demand from the fans). Maybe big investment companies move away from the live music industry because of the risk, maybe events will become less monumentalist, but personally I don’t mind if that happens, so we get back to something a bit more human, especially compared to what we had in the last 5 years when everybody thought there are no limits… and yes, there are.
2) In this period we had to reconsider many aspects of our lifestlye. Is there something that you finally had the time to do that was not possible before due to lack of time?
It was good to have more time on family, especially that we had our smaller daugther born last year.
3) Will the summer of 2021 be the summer of restart?
I strongly believe in it, yes!
4) In what color do you see the future? Can you explain why?
I see it blue, because that’s my favourite color. And also a little yellow, because the sun is yellow :)
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